
  1. On your iPhone, go to the Settings app.
  2. Scroll down and tap on “Mail.”
  3. Tap on “Accounts,” then select “Add Account.”
  4. Choose “Exchange” as the account type.
  5. Enter your Office 365 email address and a description for the account.
  6. Tap “Next.” Your iPhone will attempt to automatically configure the account.
  7. If automatic configuration fails, you will be prompted to enter additional information such as your password, server name, and domain.
  8. Once you have entered the required information, tap “Next” to complete the setup process.


  1. Open the Settings app on your Android phone.
  2. Scroll down and tap on “Accounts” or “Accounts and Backup” (depending on your device).
  3. Tap on “Add Account” or “Add Account +”.
  4. Select “Microsoft Exchange” or “Exchange” from the account types list.
  5. Enter your Office 365 email address and tap “Next”.
  6. Enter your password and tap “Sign In” or “Next”.
  7. If prompted, grant the necessary permissions for your email account.
  8. Customize the sync settings according to your preference, then tap “Next” or “Done” to complete the setup.